
Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Work Space

For those who wonder what my work space looks like I thought I might give you a peek into my 8 X 10 work shop (that most of the time spills into the kitchen, but never when I'm cooking).

This is part of my stash, this is mainly the flannel and cotton fabrics I use daily. The other stuff is in 5 bins in the basement (sshhhhhhhhhh, don't tell).

The view as I sew. I have a huge maple tree with a family of squirels living in it, the view keeps me motivated when I have an order with multiple units.

The view from the door. I try to keep things clean but I must admit that we don't always see the floor. I usually have my ironing board set up in front of the window. 

This is my cozy space, and I love it!


  1. Impressive. Look at all the pretty fabric. So organized. I love how everything is at arms reach. I still have yet to find a good system for my patterns and my fabric. Once I've done that, I'll show you my space.

  2. So beautiful! So, so much fabric! Thanks for sharing. :)
