
Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 5 Piper Summer Romper Sew Along

Today is is the last day and all this hard work will finally all come together!

Very quick recap, you can still get your pattern at 25% off regular price in the My Little Plumcakes Etsy shop, and you can also ask to join the My Little Plumcake facebook group to share your creations and have a chance to win 2 FREE patterns by My Litttle Plumcake and a set of 4 fat quarters.

So now you have a bodice from Day 3 and your bottom from Day 4...Today we put them together!

Pin your bodice to the shorts with right sides together making sure you match up the side seams. 

The seam allowance will be a little wider seeing that an elastic casing must be made. I have to admit that I didn't have any 1/4" elastic, as recommended in the pattern tutorial,  so I used 1/2". My seam allowances were 1 inch and the second one at 1/4" to give myself enough space to insert the elastic. Next time I must remember to bring my shopping list with me and not leave it on the kitchen counter.

Before stitching the ends of the elastic together, if you can, try the romper on your model to make sure the elastic is the right length. Close up the casing opening and finish off the raw edge with a zigzag stitch or serger.

Because I used a 1/2" elastic I felt that there was a lot of extra fabric around the waist that could make the romper a little uncomfortable, maybe even itchy for little ones with sensitive skin so I pressed the seam allowance up towards the bodice and top stitched the casing to the bodice. 

Assembly is complete, now onto the finishing touches.

I used 3 snaps, I wouldn't recommend using less.

I was on the fence about the straps this is what I came up with. For the older girls that dress themselves I would suggest just straight, it just makes life easier for them (and you). Ties are also fun, but not always easy when your 4 years old.  

I decided on crossed back. Made the buttons holes and hand stitched a couple of buttons in the inside.

And here are the results of about 4.5 hours work, give or take. You can take a look back at everything that went into making the Piper Summer Romper.
Day 1 (click here) 
Day 2 (click here)
Day 3 (click here)
Day 4 (click here)

This was so much fun for me, I hope you enjoyed it too. If you have any questions or comments about this project (or any other project), please feel free to post them here, I'd love to hear from you! 

Until next time, xx.

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