
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lily by Frocks & Frolics Sew-a-Long Day 3

Welcome to Day 3! Don't forget to post your progress in the Frocks & Frolics Sewing Circle on facebook.
Today we're going to overcast the raw edges of the lower bodice lining (front and back) and also the center back of the lining and the main or outer shell of the garment. You can do this by using a zigzag stitch on your regular machine or your serger. We're also working on creating those pretty box pleats on the front of the garment. 

I like to have my pleats perfectly pressed all the way down to the hem and I'm going to tell you how to acheive that without spending so much time with a ruler or gauge at the ironing board.

  1. Stith your pleats as indicated in the tutorial.
  2. Change your stitch length to the longest and baste the rest of the pleat all the way down to the unfinished hem. (you may be able to see that long basting stitch in the above image).
  3. Press using steam to make sure those pleats stay in place.
  4. Just before your ready to stitch your hem, remove those basting stitches. They should come out very easily just by pulling on the bobbin thread, just make sure you haven't cut the tails of your threads.

Once your pleats are done, you can go ahead and stitch those shoulder seams on the main and lining.

Make your way back here tomorrow to see more of this project.

Until next time, xx.

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