
Monday, June 27, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party Day 1

Its that time of year ...Summer, sun, beach and pool parties, friends, food and vacations! Today kicks off Day 1 of the Pool Side Beach Pary with some really fun stuff!...Including a giveaway, so you'll want to read to the end and you'll want to follow this tour really closely for daily giveaways! 

Before showing you teasers for today's posts I decided it was snack time! One of my favorite snacks to bring to the beach or serve at a pool party is fruit, here's something fun that I like to do. 

  1. Buy fruit that is local and in season to get the fresh tastes you love. In my area you can easily find strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe...pears, plums, apples, cherries...and the list goes on... 
  2. I like to get the kids to help because its so easy. Wash fruit and get the little helpers to randomly place the fruit on wood skewers. 
  3. Place on serving dish or in a plastic container for the cooler and done! 

Ok, I went a little tropical, obviously pineapple and kiwi are not local to Quebec but when your 6 year old begs you for them its so  much easier to comply when its so healthy and yummy.

I used a fish shaped plate because he fit the theme, heeeheee, he looks so grumpy!

Refreshing, healthy and all natural!

Teaser Time!

First we have Jessica from 5 Out Of 4 patterns showing us how to make only the coolest beach towel! Click here for full tutorial! These would make great gifts, I even want one for me!

You'll want to check out the Reef Walkers by New Horizon Designs that Courtney of The Wholesome Mama sewed up! The detail on those pockets is so original! I'm thinking that those pants would be really comfy for a day at the beach! 

Let's head over to Sew Happily Ever After! Linda sewed up the Satya romper by Jennuine Design... That face says it all, she is so ready for the beach in her little romper!

Now how cool is this cover-up that Christie of Blaverry made for her daughter! Go check out Christie's post to find out which one of her beautiful patterns she used! This is for sure something my girls would love to have after playing in the water and feeling like they need to warm up.

Go visit Ula over a Lulu & Celeste for Day 2 of this 6 day event!

Special thanks to our sponsors for the giveaways and discount codes!

Modkid is offer a 25% discount on all purchses in there shop, use the code "POOLSIDE2016" at checkout.
Sew Happily Ever After is offering a 50% discount on the Nana insulated tote, use the code "PoolSideParty16".
Phat Quarters is offering free shipping with all orders over $25.00! (sorry, US orders only). Use the code "SUMMER25" at checkout!  

Today you have a chance to win :

There will be a new giveaway with new prizes tomorrow!!
Unitl next time, xx.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Your fish does look a bit grumpy. Lil. Thanks for the giveaway. This will be fun to follow.

  2. Your fish does look a bit grumpy. Lil. Thanks for the giveaway. This will be fun to follow.

  3. Love fruit for summer snacking, but skewers are too much work, haha! I go for anything I can wash and dump in a serving dish--but I don't have anything near as cute as your grumpy fish. :)
