Thursday, November 27, 2014

Omni Tempore Family Tour

Its my turn to show off my Omni Tempore by Sofilantjes.  So happy I got to make this one for Sebastien, my son! When I suggested the project to him and asked him what color I should make it, he said grey. Really? Grey, that's it? So much for doing something with color and contrast, so I'd figure put some originality in the options so that I wouldn't be showing something basic. Again, he stopped me in my tracks, saying he didn't want anything fancy and told me exactly how he wanted it.

So here is my Omni Tempore by Sofilantjes exactly as ordered by Sebas.

I used a light weight cotton jersey with a 5% lycra. I loved sewing it because the quality is that good! I made it with the hood option, cuffed sleeve, and regular hem that I finished off using a twin needle.

Nothing fancy, but I know he'll wear it until its worn out.

*Note to self, at some point I will switch out these photos for better ones, we've been having a lot of dark gloomy know, when you have to put your shutter speed at 30 to get any kind of exposure.

Check out all ther other fun stops on this family tour! Oh, and don't forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post. Also if you want to make your very own Omni Tempore, get it while you can at 30% off, when the tour is over the pattern bundle will go back up to its regular price. These sweaters are perfect for gift giving for the whole family with its wide size range and different options available in this pattern.

Monday, November 24th 

Tuesday, November 25th

Wednesday, November 26th

Thursday, November 27th

Friday, November 28th

Saturday, November 29th

Prize Pack #1

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Bustle Skirt Pattern by Koda Baby Boutique
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Serger Pepper
1 Pattern of choice by E+M Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Striped Swallow Designs

Prize Pack #2

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Grace Pattern by Rose & Lee Designs
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Madeit Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Dandelions n' Dungarees
1 pattern of choice by FABulous Home Sewn

Until next time, xx.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 3 Recap of the Omni Tempore Family Tour.

We're on Day 3 of the Omni Tempore Family Tour a pattern by Sofilantjes and I'm feeling very inspired by what we've seen so far, how about you?

Here's a recap just in case you missed it!

On Monday we had a glimps of a father son moment with the Shaffer Sisters and Pienkel. So fun to see kiddos and their dads play around. Then over at Mie Katoentje, she gave us 4 different sweaters that had been made with the Omni Tempore pattern, you have to go check them out, such fun colors!

Shaffer Sisters 


Mie Katoentje

On Tuesday,  JaimeSews showed us her the Omni Tempore with a fun tutorial on appliqués, and also made herself a top for a night out by using a light weight knit. Over at Serger Pepper, the Omni Tempore pattern was used to make a cardigan (I've got ot make myself one of those!) and there's even a tutorial on how she modified the pattern! From a Box made 4 versions of the pattern, all fun and different!


Serger Pepper

From a Box

Day 3 were're stopping over at Felt With Love and Sisko by Mieke. Felt With Love has a super cute version for father and daughter and Sisko by Mieke used textile paints to make a fun design on her sweater.

Felt With Love

Sisko by Mieke

Still 3 more days of fun tour stops to go, 3 more day to take advantage of a 30% savings (no code needed!)on the Omni Tempore Bundle which include sizes for the whole family, and also a huge giveaway thanks to our amazing sponsors. You can enter the giveaway with Rafflecopter right here at the end of this post.

Stay tuned because we have a lot more to show you!

Monday, November 24th 

Tuesday, November 25th

Wednesday, November 26th

Thursday, November 27th

Friday, November 28th

Saturday, November 29th

Here are the two prize packs up for grabs. There's fabric from Joy Fits and fun patterns in both bundles! Go visit their facebook pages, who knows you may discover a new favorite pattern or designer! 

Prize Pack #1

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Bustle Skirt Pattern by Koda Baby Boutique
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Serger Pepper
1 Pattern of choice by E+M Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Striped Swallow Designs

Prize Pack #2

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Grace Pattern by Rose & Lee Designs
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Madeit Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Dandelions n' Dungarees
1 pattern of choice by FABulous Home Sewn

Until next time, xx!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Omni Family Tour: Kicking it Off

I'm so excited to be hosting another blog tour! We're going to have so much fun this week with the Omni Tempore by Sofilantjes! So many talented ladies have sewn up one or more versions of this top to show us just how fun this pattern is with all its options.

We also have two full prize packs thanks to some amazing sponsors! Just take a look at all the goodies up for grabs!

Prize Pack #1

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Bustle Skirt Pattern by Koda Baby Boutique
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Serger Pepper
1 Pattern of choice by E+M Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Striped Swallow Designs

Prize Pack #2

1.5 meters of fabric from Joy Fits Fabrics
Omni Tempore Pattern Bundle by Sofilantjes
Grace Pattern by Rose & Lee Designs
1 Pattern of choice by Filles a Maman
1 Pattern of choice by Madeit Patterns
1 Pattern of choice by Dandelions n' Dungarees
1 pattern of choice by FABulous Home Sewn

You'll be able to enter the giveaway through rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. Take the time to visit the pages, easy peasy to get entries for this giveaway and you might just find a new favorite pattern or designer!

20 bloggers lined up for you, to inspire you, to help get those creative juices flowing. This is the schedule so you don't miss a stop. If you don't want to wait to see if you win the Omni Tempore bundle you can always purchase it now, here at a discount, no coupon code needed! You save 30% off the price of the bundle and 20% off if you get only the child - tween sizes or only the adult sizes. Oh, and if you should win you get to choose another pattern by Sofilantjes if you so happen to have the Omni Tempore.

Monday, November 24th 

Tuesday, November 25th

Wednesday, November 26th

Thursday, November 27th

Friday, November 28th

Saturday, November 29th

Oon - Daisy Chain Creations - Sew Cool for the Tween Scene - Rebel & Malice

Now go see what Pienkel, Mie Katoentje and the  Shaffer Sisters have done with this pattern. I can promise you some of these images will melt your heart. (One of the perks of hosting a tour, I get to see some sneak peeks!)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!
Until next, time, xx.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Perfect Pattern Parcel #7 Inspiration Tour

So here it is, the last day to grab your Parcel #7. Just a few reasons why you want to grab it now, you help support indie designers, you help support a good cause (read more about it here), and you get a bunch of great patterns at a price you choose to pay!
When I saw the list of patterns I knew I wanted to make myself the Betty Bowler from Swoon Patterns (affiliate link). I had been swooning over it for quite some time now. 

Honestly I had never made a bag like this before, with all the required interfacing and hardware. I must say that I can't wait to make another! 
Some of you may have recognized the coloring book fabric from IKEA, I've had it in my stash for almost a year now. Its a little heavier than the suggested fabrics so I omited using the fleece. I also had to omit the zipper tabs seeing that my fabric was so thick, but I will put some in using a small amount of twill tape. I realized how important those zipper tabs were when it was time to zip and unzip my new bag!
I asked Amelia to help me out so you could see just how big this bag is. Its the perfect size for an over night bag. There are other purse patterns in the parcel that aren't so big like the Butterfly Sling purse (my next project!). 
I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, and right before Christmas, these bags are perfect for gift giving!
Pattern Parcel #7: Choose your own price and support DonorsChoose. Win/win

There are other stops on the inspiration tour, go check them out! Don't take too long because there's only a few hours left to purchase Parcel #7, and when its gone, its gone!

Pattern Parcel #7: Choose your own price and support DonorsChoose. Win/win!

Parcel #7Inspiration Tour Schedule:

Friday, November 7 Stitched || Sew Exhausted

Saturday, November 8 Made by Sara ||Oliver's Fancy || Strawberry Patch Ramblings

Sunday, November 9 from a box || Mia's Creations || MOMENTS

Monday, November 10 owen's olivia || While she was sleeping

Tuesday, November 11 Nutta || Radiant Home Studio || La Pantigana

Wednesday, November 12 Sew Fishsticks || Stacy Sews || Stitching Insane || GnomeAngel

Thursday, November 13 Needle and Ted || Patchouli Moon Studio || Sprouting JubeJube || The Crazy Tailor

Friday, November 14 Casa Crafty || A Jennuine Life || 'So, Zo... What do you know?'

Saturday, November 15 Stitches by Laura || Rebekah Sews || Serger Pepper

Sunday, November 16 Blogs Like A Mother || Vicky Myers creations || Blossom Heart Quilts

Monday, November 17 Shanni Loves || So Sew Easy || GYCT Designs || Tiger In A Tornado

Tuesday, November 18 The Nosy Pepper || Keep Calm and Carrion || There & Back || Sewing Sober

Wednesday, November 19 Sew Like My Mom || Knot Sew Normal || Stacy Sews || sewVery

Thursday, November 20 Mimi's Mom || Our Family Four || shades of BOLD || Modern Handcraft

Friday, November 21 Shawnta Sews || Lulu & Celeste || Amanda Rose || Robin's Fabric Nest || House of Pinheiro
Until next time, xx.

Uptown/Downtown Dress Pattern Expansion Tour

This summer Sew Straight and Gather released their Uptown/Downtown Dress pattern. Terri made a good thing even better by creating FREE add-ons! So yes you do have to purchase the pattern here  but then you can get a bunch of options for free! Oh and I'll share a coupon code with you so you can get the dress pattern at a discount (and its also good for any pattern in the shop, heeeheee!) Use the code "UPTOWNEXPASION25" at checkout good through Saturday the 22nd.

You may have remembered the first dress I made (click here!) with this pattern. So this time I made it with long sleeves and used a fold over elastic at the neckline.

I wanted to make a cozy maxi version, but I just didn't have enough of the fabric Amelia wanted, and there was no changing her mind.

The long sleeve is going to be just perfect layered with thick tights a a cute pair of leather shoes. And the length is right to the knee. 

Here are some of the options that you get for free with the pruchase of the pattern:

  • Cowl neckline
  • Long sleeves
  • Inseam pockets
  • Maxi length dress
  • Sun dress
  • There's also a tutorial on how to do some color blocking like you see here the third dress in the  image.

So much more inspiration to see, so go take a look at the other stops on the tour!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Until next time, xx.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ellie Inspired Holiday Collection Blog Tour

So glad to be part of the Ellie Inspired Blog Tour to help show off the new Holiday Collection. I got to sew up Miss Merry for JubeJube and she was overjoyed, when I told her to take the dress off so she could keep it clean for Christmas..."Oh yay! That means its Christmas soon!" is what she answered as she skipped down the hall to her room.

I embelished the front bodice with pintucks. Such a simple detail but makes this dress so lovely. Instructions on pintucks are in the pattern tutorial.

The sleeves on this dress are short and as you can see its perfect for layering with a cardigan. It was just too cold to ask JubeJube to remove her cardy, I was even surprised I was able to get her outside without a heavier coat.

I was also able to sew the Holly Days Dress and the Sugar Plum Sweater Dress. Both are part of the new Holiday Collection and both turned out adorable, and right now you can get 25% off your purchase with the coupon code "PARTY" in the Ellie Inspired Etsy shop.

Take advantage of this sale to start your Holiday sewing, there are some cute PJ patterns in the shop sure to please boys and girls!

Until next time, xx.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Learning Dolls by Ruby Jean's Closet & Giveaway

Ruby Jean's Closet has got these great patterns out for learning dolls. Three different models have been designed: Marissa, Seabiscuit, and Iggy. There are even some cute little fishy friends that can be baby friendly hand toys. I do have a bundle of all 4 patterns up for grabs thanks to Ruby Jean's Closet, so don't forget to enter the rafflecopter giveaway at the end of the post.

So after making a couple of these and gifting them Amelia asked me for her very own penguin, she really loves penguins so this was perfect, and so I made Iggy dressed in girly colors. 

Not only is Iggy fun for cozy catoon watching, this penguin will also help Amelia learn to tie shoes, zip zippers, button buttons, and so much more. 

Iggy kept Amelia busy all morning, and now I have JubeJube wanting her very own Seabiscuit seahorse.

This isn't a hard pattern to follow, all explanations to create these cuddly learning dolls are so clear, but I won't lie, there are a lot of steps because of all the details involved. This is the perfect project for someone who want to practice their sewing skills from zippers to button holes, to appliqués.

Don't you think these dolls would make the perfect Christmas gift for any toddler!

So now giveaway time. This is a chance to win all 3 learning doll patterns plus the fishy friends pattern. Want another chance to win the pattern bundle, go visit my friend Ula over at Lulu & Celeste, there's a bundle up for grabs on her blog too! 

Until next time, xx.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ansley Tour Round Up

Today was the last day of the Ansley Tour and I had so much fun hosting for Christie. If you missed any of the stops here are all the links. Don't forget to take advantage of 10% off in the Blaverry Esty shop using the code "ILOVEBLAVERRY10" at checkout.

November 6th

November 7th

So now that you've had a look at all the other stops along the way, go get your copy of the PDF Pattern to create something pretty for your little one, and don't forget to take a look at the other patterns in Blaverry Etsy shop, they are all created with style!