Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back to School Wardrobe Capsule

Back in  June I was decided and determined to make all of JubeJube's clothes for the new school year then I got an invite from Melissa of Rebel & Malice to join the Back to School Capsule Tour...How could I say no! I managed to make a total of 14 pieces, some of them are already JubeJube's favorites.

My favorite, hard to say. This was a wardrobe that was put together with my little first grader in mind and yes she did get to choose a lot of her fabrics and buttons so her style is starting to shine through.

This is the list of patterns I used to create my wardrobe:

From Terra's Treasures: Provincial top and Kensington trousers
From Blaverry: Star top

Rosalie Ruffle Tee by Peek-a-Boo *, Aster cardigan by Willow & Co., Star by Blaverry and Skirt No.1 by E+M Patterns

Aster Cardigan by Willow & Co. and All Spice by Paisley Roots

Peasent top by Handmaiden's Cottage *, Bobbi Boyfriend jeans by Blaverry (soon to be available) and Aster cardigan.

Rosalie Ruffle Tee by Peek-a-Boo* and Cruise pants by Blaverry (soon to be available).

So here goes...some different looks we got out of this wardrobe.

If you know me by now, you also know that I set myself extra challenges. My goal was to sew everything from fabrics I had in my stash. I can't believe all this mixing and matching all came from what I already had on hand.

The patterns too were from my stash, except for the two patterns from Terra's Treasures. Provincial top and Kensington trousers were great to work with and I'm sure I'm going to have to make more of these two patterns before the year is out. They were given to me for the prupose of using them on the tour, and the opions expressed about these two patterns are my own.

For more back to school inspiration go check out the other stops on this blog tour, and don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Titchy Threads Patterns: Paisley Roots - Knot Sew Normal - Handmade Boy
End of Tour & Giveaway: Rebel & Malice

Here are the sponsors for the huge giveaway! Be sure to enter if you'd like to win.

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* This blog does contain affliate links and I do get a small commission if you make a purchase when clicking on my link.


  1. Deb thank you so much for being on this tour! Your looks are amazing, and way to go sewing from your stash!! I think my favorite pieces are the Kensington trousers and the Stella Tunic. But the entire capsule goes together beautiful.

  2. Deb thank you so much for being on this tour! Your looks are amazing, and way to go sewing from your stash!! I think my favorite pieces are the Kensington trousers and the Stella Tunic. But the entire capsule goes together beautiful.

  3. This is amazing! And that it was all from your stash is even more so. Thanks for using my Haven Acres Blouse and Dressage Leggings for part of your capsule!

  4. WOW! I'm very impressed by this collection. It's so cohesive and stunning!

    I'm ecstatic to see Bobbi on Jube Jube! You did an amazing job on them. (and you are the first to roll the legs up, smart girl)

    BTW, I also love how you did your product pics! Very nice ;)

  5. Wow oh wow! That's an amazing amount of sewing! And all so beautiful and coordinating too. The problem with sewing from my stash is I have so many patterns and very few solids so it ends up looking like a cacophony of noise and color!

  6. This is lovely! Everything is so beautiful and looks professionally made. I love the colors and fabrics you chose.
