Thursday, October 13, 2016

Twig & Tale Tour

By now you've heard the news...Big Little can now be found as Twig & Tale. Makes perfect sense to me seeing that kids will have so many tales to share with all the encouraged use of imagination and play with Twig & Tales patterns for outfits and toys.

I had so much fun sewing up these whimsical patterns! First I had decided on the cape, I loved the idea of creating a little red cape, but brown... That's exactly what Amelia said to me, I want Little Red Riding Hood cape, but brown. I also fell in love with those pixie shorts! Who wouldn't! Then more suprises, I got to choose fabric from Art Gallery Fabrics and they sent it to me (for the purpose of the tour). So thanks to Twig & Tale and Art Gallery Fabrics both Amelia and JubeJube had a grand time playing pretend in the park.

For the lining of Amelia's cape I selected In the Thicket Dawn. I was to make the Pixie Shorts with Laced Sunset but when I saw the colors and pritns together I decided on two outfits simply because I didn't like the way they matched up, so a blouse was the way to go for this beautiful fabric.

You might also notice JubeJube's leggings...Yes, that's Art Gallery too, I picked that print up at my local fabric store, its Gust of Leaves.

I love how easily these pattern went together, and I love how each pattern can be made so simple or get the Wild Things Add-ons to make play time even more fun. In fact, you can get the Wild Things Dragon add-on for free, just sign up for the Twig & Tale newsletter, or get it here!

Download FREE Dragon Sewing Pattern

I know it doesn't look like Amelia is having much fun here, and at that point she wasn't just because I asked her to stay still for 3 minutes and put on the hood so I could see what she looked like with the hood on. What a drama queen!

What would a Blog Tour be without a giveaway!

Art Gallery Fabrics is kindly sponsoring 2 yards of Art Gallery fabric of your choice. To make the prize extra sweet, we are also adding a collection of 5 Twig + Tale patterns of your choice.
International entries are very welcome. Our bloggers come from every corner of the world to celebrate the global nature of Twig +Tale too.
Enter using the rafflecopter below.
(The winning entry will be checked to ensure all criteria are met).

Saturday: - Made by Sara - So Popo Sew - Big Little Tales - Needle and Ted

* I received the Cap pattern and Pixie Pants/shorts pattern for the purpose of the tour, and Art Gallery Fabrics supplied me with fabrics for the purpose of the tour, but all opinions remain my own.

**The blouse pattern is Charlotte from Jilly Atlanta, and the leggings pattern is from Jennuine Design. The outer fabric of the Cape and Pixie Pants is a wool blend from my stash, the Prince de Galle fabric for the Pixie shorts also from my stash. Amelia's t-shirt and tights are from H&M, and their boots are from thier at home wardrobe. 

Until next time, xx.