Friday, November 25, 2016

Découvrir la Broderie à la Machine

Depuis quel que jours, j'ai occasion de m'amuser! Je m'amuse avec un beau logiciel de broderie et j'adore avoir plus de possibilité de créer des vêtements et autres articles beaucoup plus personnalisés.

Le logiciel donc j'ai l’opportunité d'utilisé et le 6D Embroidery Extra version française! Il est maintenant disponible chez Pénélope - Machines à Coudre avec une super belle réduction de 55%.

I've been having fun with this embroidery program. Really! And honestly I can't even fanthom all the possibilities. 

The program is 6D Embroidery Extra...its on sale right now at Penelope-Machines à Coudre, you can even order it online! 

Il me reste encore beaucoup a découvrir a propos des fonctions du logiciel  mais pour l'instant je suis capable d'aller chercher des image sur l'internet et d'ajuster l'image selon mon cerceau de broderie de la machine a coudre BrotherLB6810. Je peux aussi changer les couleurs que souhaite utiliser.

J'ai commencée par me trouver un image assez simple.

I still have a lot to learn, but I'm able to get images off the internet, format the image to fit my embroidery hooop in a BrotherLB6810, and I can also change the colors I want for my little project.

I started out with a simple image.

Ensuite j'ai ajouté le petite nom d'Amelia, il y a plusieurs choix de lettrage et voila!

Then added Amelia's name...Oh by the way, there are many of fonts to choose from already in the program....and there you have it!

Je vais avouer que je me suis un peu perdu dans les explications (je ne suis pas toujours douée avec les ordinateurs) mais j'ai réussi! Lorsqu'on a appris la marche a suivre pour aller chercher les images et de formater c'est même très facile de créer de belles petites touches a nos projets.

I'm going to admit, I got lost with the explanations (computers are not always my friend, but we get along more every day) and I got through it. Once you learn what steps to follow to get your image and to format it actually is really easy to add a special little touch of cuteness to your porjects. 

Une petite décoration pour la fenêtre de la chambre d'Amelia.
Je crois que je vais avoir des heures de plaisir... exploiter, découvrir et créer.

So here it is, my first project using machine embroidery is finished, I made a bunting for Amelia's window.
I know I'm going to have hours of fun with this...exploring everything that can be done and just creating! 

A bientot, xx.

Until next time, xx.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Everyday Wear with Petite Stitchery & Co.

Hey all, I know its been a while...more than a month actually since I've posted to my blog. But I've been busy with tons of fun stuff that I can't wait to show you. For now here we are to celebrate everyday wear with Petite Stitchery & Co. Be sure to read to the end and enter the rafflecopter easy giveaway!

This group of three talented ladies have created a pattern collection with so much vesitilty and style that its easy to used for dressing up and everyday fun. 

From this collection I've made the Sparrow tunic, the Fawn leggings (with and without the tuxedo stripe) and my favorite so far, the Rosemary crop top. 

I made Sparrow and Fawn for Amelia. She just loves peplum style tops.

For the Fawn leggings I used a fun stitching technique (flat lock) that I learned in a class about exploring and using your serger to its full potential. It just gives the garment that little extra detail to make it so much more interesting and creative. So much more fun stitching techiniques and fun information to come...this all from a class that I took at Penelope-Machines a Coudre.

Now about Rosemary! So to start I've been hoarding this fabric from Birch Fabrics for some time was purchased from Phat Quarter Shop on Etsy and there is even a facebook group...go check them out to get details on Black Friday deals and savings!  

Rosemary is a great layering piece, with this huge collar. *Here's a tip make sure if you have a driectional fabric to cut the collar upside down to get the print right side up on you collar. it would just be so sad if those little girls would be upside down. 

JubeJube also has the basic style of the Fawn leggings on. The fabric is from Art Gallery, purchased at my local fabric shop. 

I do think that there is so much potential with this wonderful little pattern company. There is just one think I would really like to see, please, pretty please stop putting sleeves cut on the fold. This is my opinion, but its so worth the extra time, effort, ink and paper to get the full sleeve simply becasue the front and back sleeve should have a slightly different shape. It just makes for such a better fit. 

ok, I need to go play the fishing game with the looks like so much fun! 

Join the Petite Stitchery & Co. Fan group on facebook for details on Black Friday sales!

More Petite Stitchery & Co. inspiration and fun with:

Inspinration - Gracious Threads - Cherubs CraftSew Sophie Lynn - 
Pear Berry Lane - Sprouting JubeJube - Élégantine!

Go check out the other posts!