Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Bridal Shower

This weekend was a big deal, I hosted my sister's bridal shower. Of course I didn't do it alone, thank goodness for bridesmaids that work well as a team! We certainly can bake up a storm!

The planning started with a guest list and Paperless Post. I'm usually a paper and pen kind of girl, I don't believe technologie is a friend of mine or a time saver, but this time I thought I'd give Paperless Post a try.

Browsing through the invitations  for different events I came across the one that really caught my eye and made the necessary edits that were pertinent to my event... which by the way went really smoothly.  Sent myself a test copy, made a few more edits and it was ready to go! (follow this link *here* to get a look at the different invitations offered!)

A couple of features that I can really appreciate on the website is the menu set up to keep track of who got the invitation and who responded. You can message guests and guests can also write on a public board. A couple of days after the event I recieved and email from Paperless Post asking me how the bridal shower went and asking if I'd like to send thank you cards to my guests. Now, how great is that...yes I know its automated, but what a great reminder when a thank you card is the right thing to do.

Now, more about the party!

We decided on a theme and colors... mint green with a hint of peach with a rustic theme. Elena of Just ME made all the paper craft decorations to add her special touch.

Just about everything was home backed and I have to admit it was all beautiful and all very yummy!

Even the French macarons were homemade...I'll tell you about that adventure another time.

I hope that my sister, bride-to-be, felt spoiled and pampered on her day. She certainly will make a beautiful blushing bride. 💗

Until next time, xx.

* Disclaimer: I received a budget from Paperless Post for the purpose of reviewing the website on my blog, but all ideas and opinions are my own! 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

One Thimble No.16

Everyone knows how much I love the One Thimble e-zine (affiliate link). The themes are always so fun and most of the time have my imagination run off to far away places. Issue No. 16 will have you dreaming of the beach, clear waters, beautiful sunset and mermaids!

Of course you don't need to be at the beach to enjoy Issue No.16 of One Thimble and all the sewing patterns and tutorials included in this issue.  And by the way, if you want to win your own issue of One Thimble read to the end and enter the rafflecopter giveaway! 

So let's get to it  because once I did start sewing from Issue No. 16 of One Thimble I just couldn't stop! All the patterns are so fun, I wanted to sew them all! 

I started with the Hally Dress by Ainslee Fox. Such a fun summer dress!

I had Wonderful Things fabric from Art Gallery for just a short time, but it called to me and I couldn't ignore its bold beautiful flowers. I took a short cut and unsed pre-made bias.

This pattern comes in a huge range of sizes (sizes 1- 12), layering feature to print only the sizes you want, easy to follow tutorial and  step-by-step photos. This pattern was designed with woven fabrics in mind. I found the sizes ran a little big and had to shorten the straps for a better fit, but again JubeJube is slim and as a seamstress I always take into account that some alterations must be made for a perfect fit.

What I really love about this dress pattern is the original design of the straps. It makes the dress so delicate and sweet.

Next up the Triton Tank and Scuttle Shorts both by Ainslee Fox Boutique... Both great basics for a summer wardrobe.

What I liked:

  • Huge size range (1-12) for the Triton Tank and (3-12) for the Scuttle shorts
  • Layering feature to print only the sizes you need
  • Tank is a fast sew, no extra options but so easy to go add an appliqué, like Meg the mermaid featured in the One Thimble No.16.
  • Short have two length options and also a colour block option.

I found once again the sizes ran a little big and that especially the Triton Tank has large armhole openings so I layered it with another close fitting tank top. I think we can certainly chalk it up to JubeJube being on the slim side. One thing that will help you make your size selection is that the finished garment measurements are available and looking back I could have gone down a size in the width and kept the same length. 

Both patterns were designed for knit fabrics. I used a light weight rayon spandex knit blend for the top and a french terry for the short.

The Pearlie dress by Peach Patterns is one of those easy to make and easy to wear dresses, designed with knit fabrics in mind. The sleeves are a short dolman style sleeve and the skirt is a shirt style hem with the back being slightly longer that the front.

This isn't a deal breaker for me but the layering feature isn't available on this pattern, so all sizes (1-12) get printed out at once.

I reversed the order a little and the first thing I did was put the pocket on the front bodice and then for the rest of the assembling I used my serger. I used a twin needle for hems and top stitching at the neckline.

Amelia chose the fabric for this project and has been wearing it straight out of the wash everytime she can since I've sewn it up. I think she'll need a couple of these for back to school.

Want to know more about this issue... Here's the scoop:

There's a bunch of fun dress up ideas! Going back to Issue No. 13 and the One Romper by Fille à Maman that was featured in that issue, easy costume ideas for Halloween, book day, character day dress up day at school, or simply dress up for fun were explored. And while we're on the subject of dress up, included in Issue No. 16 is an easy felt mask by Candice Mason over at Rose Petal Collection.Go check it out, I'm sure you'll find more than half a dozen project you can't wait to try! 

I can't give away all the details of One Thimble No.16 but go check out the other stops on the inspiration tour. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Caroline Party Dress and Pink Flamingos

Ce n'est pas la première Caroline de Mouse House Creations (lien affilié) que je confectionne. Cette robe a un style classique que j'adore. Amelia était débordé de joie de voir une si jolie robe juste pour elle et elle adore les flamants roses! 

This isn't the first time I make a Caroline Party dress by Mouse House Creations (affiliate link). Its a true classic. This one was for Amelia and she was just overjoyed to get such a pretty dress with flamingos no less! 

Les tissus et merceries sont disponible chez Club Tissus. Vous pouvez maintenant magasiner  sur le nouveau site web et faire livrer chez vous! Le tissu est un coton léger un peu satiné donc il est vraiment confortable, idéal pour l'été. J'ai décidée de doublé la robe en entier, la crinoline est amovible donc elle va pourvoir être sous une autre robe.      

All fabrics and notions are available at Club Tissus. The new website is up and running and you can now have your favorite fabrics shipped to you!  The fabric is a light weight cotton  with a sheen to it. I decided to fully line the dress for more structure and I also made a crinoline that can be worn under other dresses.

Il y a cinq mètres de tulle pour la crinoline. Je croyait qu'il était pour m'en rester mais non, c’était parfait.

I used five meters of tulle to make the crinoline, it may seem like a lot but really its not. 

J'ai utilisée un fermoir invisible à l'arrière, le placement du tissu pour cette robe est tellement important. Je voulais être certaine de bien enligner l'imprimé.

I used an invisible zipper at the back, and fabric placement was so important to make sure the flamingos lined up just right. 

Since the beginning of summer vacation my kids have been spending a lot of time up north near Mont-Tremblant. I've been doing a lot of back and forth so I've been getting a lot of sewing done, but its not always ideal when you need your models to be around. This was a now or never moment. The dress had been sewn for some time now and instead of waiting to get Amelia back home, I brought the dress to Amelia.

Vous pouvez voir la première Caroline ici, c'était en décembre 2013 et vous allez remarquer qu'Amelia n'était vraiment pas intéressée à jouer au mannequin.

Take a look at the first Caroline I made Amelia way back in December 2013... you'll notice she wasn't such a cooperative model back then.

Until next time, xx.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hip Hop Tank Tour

Two fun tank tops in two different versions, all that and more as we take a look at one of Tami's first patterns.

I made a Hip Hop Tank by Love Notions (affiliate link) for each of the two girls, JubeJube got a simple version with a bit of a twist and Amelia got the version with buttons down the back.

I used a poly cotton blend knit for Amelia's top and I found some buttons in my stash that were a perfect match. The boots with the shorts, all her idea and I wasn't about to argue with her since she willingly wanted to be photographed with JubeJube.

The details on the button back version were easy and didn't take that much extra time to put together. I was able to put both tops together in an afternoon and both girls were so happy to have a fun new top for the summer.

JubeJube's tank top is made from a rayon spandex blend, with a lot of stretch. I used a print for the front and a solid white for the back she actually wanted it that way.

The Hip Hop Tank pattern includes the layered printing feature so you can print only the sizes you want but since it is one of the first patterns Tami released there are no trimless pages, something that is available in the more recent patterns.

There are two more options on this pattern, a tulip back and a gathered skirt with an empire waist. The Hip Hop Tank is also available in women's version which also includes a sleeve to the pattern so that its work appropriate.

In the end I think this is a great pattern to create some fun summer looks in just a short amount of time, and the girls each have a couple more fabrics selected for me to sew up more tank tops.

Its time for a giveaway... win a $50.00 credit for the Love Notions online shop. You can't win if you don't enter, so what are you waiting for!

Take a look at the other stops on the tour. You'll get to see more girls' version, ladies' styles and some fun hacks!