Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party : Nantucket for Amelia

Amelia...Chanting " I'm ready for the beach!" getting louder and louder...Can't you hear her? 

Here's my swimsuit post for the tour...don't forget to go enter the rafflecopter giveaway at the end!

Well, we did make it too the beach, but not early enough because that summer sun was so bright and so hot! 

I started off by looking for the perfect pattern for Amelia and something that would also be fun for me to make and came across Nantucket by Peek-a-Boo patterns (affiliate link). 

I got my fabric (Amelia's selection actually) from Club Tissus where they have quite the selection of swimwear fabrics. She wanted roses, and roses she got!

I love the criss-cross back and the neckline, how high it goes.

The pattern ranges from size 3month to 12 years (I'll be sewing many more of these in the next few years). All charts are in metric and imperial measurements, and the pattern pieces are nested to allow for size blending. All seam allowances are included. It was quite easy and qick to put together too.

How can I take her to the beach and not let her have some play time. This water toy in the shape of an elephant was just too cute to pass up! Much like a water pistol, but with the cuteness of an animal.

Until next time, xx.

Coupon Codes:

Modkid (use the code POOLSIDE2016 for 25% of at checkout until July 2nd)
Sew Happily Ever After with the code Poolside16 get 50% off the Nana tote in thier Etsy shop until July 4th
Also Jennuine Design (one of the prize sponsors) is having an unrelated sale on selected patterns until June 30th. 40% off with code SATYASEASON
Phat Quarters Free US shipping on orders of $25 or more with code SUMMER25
BLAVERRY 15% off with code INDEPENDENCE2016  until July 10th
5 Out 4 Patterns  FIREWORKS2016 for 20% off your purchase now (6/27/2016) through Monday, July 4th, 2016. (Coupon cannot be used on PowerNet fabric)
Filles à Maman JULYONETOFIVE for 25% off everything including bundles, the coupon is valid from july 1st ending July 5th midnight EDT
Gracious Threads 40% off all patterns with code canadaday2016 Good from July 1st to 8th

A huge thank you to all out sponsors!

2 patterns of choice* from Mouse House Creations
1 pattern of choice* from 5 Out of 4 Patterns
1 pattern of choice* from Chalk and Notch
*Excludes bundles
Open Internationally

Pool Side Beach Party Day 3

Welcome to Day 3! So much going on today so lets get right to it! 
*Don't forget the raffle copter giveaway at the end of this post!

Special Feature: 

I asked my friend Elena of Just ME if she'd create a fun card to go with our pool/ beach theme. This is what she came up with. Its a fun little digi stamp that is now available in her Etsy shop, Just ME Digital Stamps. Its always nice to bring a card to the host, or for the birthday girl, and even better when its handmade. For more card making ideas and just fun party themes, go visit Elena's blog!

The Teasers:

Today seems to be all about swimwear, for girls and women! Take a look, get inspired!

Starting off with Alisha over at the Sew and Tell Project. Sewing for yourself is never an easy task, but seeing how great Alisha looks, I think she's got the right fit with the pattern she selected! Visit her blog to find out more about her project! 

Now Jess over at Gracious Threads has been busy! go check out her blog, you'll see what I mean! Not just did she sew up a great looking swimsuit for herself...go, before I let the cat out of the bag!

Check out what Marie-Claude at MCB Créations sewed up for her blog post. I'm just loving the anchor print for the top!

Not one but TWO swimsuits are being featured SewSophieLynn, want to see what patterns Tami used, well just go visit her blog!

And you have my little Amelia chanting that she's ready for the the can check out my post here a little later on.

More fun stuff to be seen tomorrow with Ula over at Lulu & Celeste as she hosts Day 4!

Coupon Codes:

Modkid (use the code POOLSIDE2016 for 25% of at checkout until July 2nd)
Sew Happily Ever After with the code Poolside16 get 50% off the Nana tote in thier Etsy shop until July 4th
Also Jennuine Design (one of the prize sponsors) is having an unrelated sale on selected patterns until June 30th. 40% off with code SATYASEASON
Phat Quarters Free US shipping on orders of $25 or more with code SUMMER25
BLAVERRY 15% off with code INDEPENDENCE2016  until July 10th
5 Out 4 Patterns  FIREWORKS2016 for 20% off your purchase now (6/27/2016) through Monday, July 4th, 2016. (Coupon cannot be used on PowerNet fabric)
Filles à Maman JULYONETOFIVE for 25% off everything including bundles, the coupon is valid from july 1st ending July 5th midnight EDT
Gracious Threads 40% off all patterns with code canadaday2016 Good from July 1st to 8th
Mouse House Creations 35% off patterns and ready-to-sell items with code BOOM Good from June 30th to July 6th 11:59pm est
E+M Pattern 50% off all patterns with the Code SAVE50 at checkout good until July 6th (11:59p.m. PST).
A huge thank you to all out sponsors!

2 patterns of choice* from Mouse House Creations
1 pattern of choice* from 5 Out of 4 Patterns
1 pattern of choice* from Chalk and Notch
*Excludes bundles
Open Internationally

Until next time, xx.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party Day 1

Its that time of year ...Summer, sun, beach and pool parties, friends, food and vacations! Today kicks off Day 1 of the Pool Side Beach Pary with some really fun stuff!...Including a giveaway, so you'll want to read to the end and you'll want to follow this tour really closely for daily giveaways! 

Before showing you teasers for today's posts I decided it was snack time! One of my favorite snacks to bring to the beach or serve at a pool party is fruit, here's something fun that I like to do. 

  1. Buy fruit that is local and in season to get the fresh tastes you love. In my area you can easily find strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe...pears, plums, apples, cherries...and the list goes on... 
  2. I like to get the kids to help because its so easy. Wash fruit and get the little helpers to randomly place the fruit on wood skewers. 
  3. Place on serving dish or in a plastic container for the cooler and done! 

Ok, I went a little tropical, obviously pineapple and kiwi are not local to Quebec but when your 6 year old begs you for them its so  much easier to comply when its so healthy and yummy.

I used a fish shaped plate because he fit the theme, heeeheee, he looks so grumpy!

Refreshing, healthy and all natural!

Teaser Time!

First we have Jessica from 5 Out Of 4 patterns showing us how to make only the coolest beach towel! Click here for full tutorial! These would make great gifts, I even want one for me!

You'll want to check out the Reef Walkers by New Horizon Designs that Courtney of The Wholesome Mama sewed up! The detail on those pockets is so original! I'm thinking that those pants would be really comfy for a day at the beach! 

Let's head over to Sew Happily Ever After! Linda sewed up the Satya romper by Jennuine Design... That face says it all, she is so ready for the beach in her little romper!

Now how cool is this cover-up that Christie of Blaverry made for her daughter! Go check out Christie's post to find out which one of her beautiful patterns she used! This is for sure something my girls would love to have after playing in the water and feeling like they need to warm up.

Go visit Ula over a Lulu & Celeste for Day 2 of this 6 day event!

Special thanks to our sponsors for the giveaways and discount codes!

Modkid is offer a 25% discount on all purchses in there shop, use the code "POOLSIDE2016" at checkout.
Sew Happily Ever After is offering a 50% discount on the Nana insulated tote, use the code "PoolSideParty16".
Phat Quarters is offering free shipping with all orders over $25.00! (sorry, US orders only). Use the code "SUMMER25" at checkout!  

Today you have a chance to win :

There will be a new giveaway with new prizes tomorrow!!
Unitl next time, xx.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party Preview Part III

OH Goodness! I just have to share some of these teasers, you'll get to see full blog post all next week as Ula of Lulu & Celeste and I host the Pool Side Beach Party!

For now...take a look at the original Yellow Polka Dot Bikini...go check out Paisley Roots on July 2nd. I just cannot wait to see the full blog post! 

And check out this super hero cutie! Any kid would be happy to have their own beach towel cape...I know I want one for me! You'll be able to see more on Monday, June 27th with Jessica from 5 Out Of 4

Ok just one more teaser...check out this fabric that Kelly from Handmade Boy used to  sewed up some swim shorts! These sharks are just so fun! You'll be able to read Kelly's post on June 28th! 

Once again a huge thank you to our sponsors! 

And here's the full list of bloggers, so don't forget to check them all out starting June 27th!

Until next time, xx.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party Preview, Part II

As promised here's another sneak peek of what's ahead next week on the Pool Side Beach Party tour. 

I was thinking, what's a beach party without the proper accessories or even make them for your guests as party favors...Stay tuned because I'll be posting a short tutorial on how to make some of these fun hemp bracelets! 

Lulu & Celeste * 5 out of 4 * The Wholesome Mama * Sew Happily Ever After * BLAVERRY *  From a Box * Élégantine! * Wining Wife * Phat Quarters * Handmade Boy * Sew Sophie Lynn * Sprouting JubeJube * MCB Créations * Gracious Threads * Sew and Tell Project * Pear Berry Lane * Creative Counselor * Inspinration * Golden Rippy * Mahlica Designs * Filles à Maman *  Call Ajaire  * Cindy Parrett  * Adventures with Bubba and Bug  *  Paisley Roots 

More exciting news...there will be daily giveaways! Thanks to all our sponsors!

Plus we also got some great discount codes, just for you! Stay tuned!

Until next time, xx.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Pool Side Beach Party Preview

I'm so excited to once again team up with Ula of Lulu & Celeste to bring you this party event!
Starting on June 27th we'll be hosting the Pool Side Beach Party...along with 25 other bloggers! You'll be able to get ideas on sewing swimwear, accessoires and so much more!

Just a quick teaser...This one from Linda at Sew Happily Ever After. This little one seems to love her new Satya Romper

Can't wait to see more sneak peeks...come back tomorrow!

Until next time, xx.