Saturday, May 30, 2015

Finn by Blaverry

A couple of weeks ago I posted (here) about the appliqué featured in the No.7 issue of One Thimble. Well some have asked what pattern I used to make the top. Finn by Blaverry was the perfect canvas for this pattern, it came out exactly as I expected.

JubeJube loves this top to be able to wear it with leggings...comfort and style all in one. Amelia is begging for a top in this style too now. She adores the the girliness of the gathered peplum.

I went with a short sleeve option for the weather this time of year. I do love that the long sleeve option and 3/4 length sleeve are offered in the pattern.

Here are some of the patter details:
  • Sizes range from 2T - 16 years
  • layered printing so you just print out the sizes you need/want 
  • Tech drawings included with the step-by-step instrcutions
  • designed for knit fabrics
  • different sleeve options available
  • 3/8" seam allowances included
  • all charts for fabric requirements and body measurements are in metric and imperial 

Take a look at the rest of the collection Christie has created for Blaverry...all just so unique...I just want to sew all of them up.

So far I have been able to show you Star, Hayden, Clara, Baylen and Ansley...What's next? Maybe Koko & Ollie or maybe Maddox?...Oh decision!

Until next time, xx

Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 5 Summer Surprise

Its the last day of stops for the Summer Surprise Anniversary Tour for Sofilantjes, and what a fun week it has been! All week we have seen wonderful creations from very talented and creative ladies.

Today you'll see posts from  Maryall Made, Phat QuartersKnot Sew NormalSew Happily Ever After and All Things Katy

All Things Katy

Maryall Made

Inspinration - The Craftiness in Me - Van Je Veel - Boutique Birdie - Tory Frail Designs - Wining Wife - Keep Calm and Carrion - Moon Star - Circle Meets Line - Amazing Adventures with Buba and Bug - Manning the Machine - Sugarplum Cuties - House of Estrela - Create 3.5 - Handcrafted by RED - Lulu & Celeste - Rebel & Malice - Two Novembers - From a Box - Sprouting JubeJube - Maryall Made - Phat Quarters - Knot Sew Normal - Sew Happily Ever After - All Things Katy

Important information I want to share with you...there's brand new format of the Summer Surprise. Nothing has changed as far as sizing or fit, but now the same feature that is available with every Sofilantjes pattern is now available with the Summer Surprise and that is layered printing. Print only the sizes you need or want. If you purchased the pattern from the Sofilantjes pattern shop you can download the new format from your account.  If you've purchased on Etsy, won the pattern or tested it you can e-mail to In the subject line type in Summer Surprise and you do need to e-mail a proof of payment or copy of an e-mail by Sofilantjes. If you haven't purchased it yet, you can here...use the code "ANNIVERSARY" at checkout for 25% off your pattern.

Now for giveaway information...Thanks to  all these lovely sponsors we are able to give away a pattern bundle of at least 8 patterns EVERYDAY!

Today's giveaway is sponsored by

-Whimsy Couture Sewing Patterns, winner's choice
-Gray Day Patterns, Athena top 
-Muse of the Morning, winner's choice 
-Little Kiwis Closet, winner's choice 
-Stitch Upon a Time, winner's choice
-Nimblephish, winner's choice 
-Filles a Maman, winner's choice 
-Straight Grain, Ishi pattern 
-Sofilantjes, winner's choice

Be sure to enter with rafflecopter! There's also some time to enter the giveaway from Day 4 here
The winner of Day 3...Congratulations to Jordan! Check your emails!
Come back Monday for a round up of the tour and for all winner announcements!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 4 Summer Surprise

We're more than half way done and we've seen so many wonderful creations with the Summer Surprise! Today you'll see creations from Lulu & Celeste Rebel & Malice Two NovembersFrom a Box, and Sprouting JubeJube (that's me!) 

For a fun piece of information...all of the posts today were also testers last you know we really loved the pattern to all be here today. 

Inspinration - The Craftiness in Me - Van Je Veel - Boutique Birdie - Tory Frail Designs - Wining Wife - Keep Calm and Carrion - Moon Star - Circle Meets Line - Amazing Adventures with Buba and Bug - Manning the Machine - Sugarplum Cuties - House of Estrela - Create 3.5 - Handcrafted by RED - Lulu & Celeste - Rebel & Malice - Two Novembers - From a Box - Sprouting JubeJube - Maryall Made - Phat Quarters - Knot Sew Normal - Sew Happily Ever After - All Things Katy

Here's a quick peek at what you'll see on the other stops today:

Rebel & Malice

From A Box

The winner of the bundle for Day 2 is Erin I.K... check you emails!
There is still some time to  enter the giveaway for Day 3, click here!

Up for grabs today:

Day 4 giveaway

-5 out of 4, winner's choice 
-Muffin Head Patterns, winner's choice 
-Seaside Notions, winner's choice 
-Audrey & Tiffany, winner's choice 
-Pickle Pudding, winner's choice
-Handmaiden's Cottage, winner's choice
-Koda Baby, winner's choice 
-Sofilantjes, winner's choice

Until next time, xx.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Surprise Two Ways

All week has been a fun ride and now its finally my turn to show off my Summer Surprise. First, a little trip down memory lane. Last year I tested the Summer Surprise and it was Anne's first pattern for her new pattern company, Sofilantjes. Read about my post from one year ago here.

Read all the way to the end to be able to enter the rafflecopter giveaway...8 PDF patterns from 8 designers are up for grabs. Who knows you might discover a new favorite pattern or desinger.

This has been a really fun project for me, not only do I get to host this blog tour, but I also got to use the brand new format of the Summer Surprise. Nothing has changed as far as sizing or fit, but now the same feature that is available with every Sofilantjes pattern is now available with the Summer Surprise and that is layered printing. Print only the sizes you need or want. If you purchased the pattern from the Sofilantjes pattern shop you can download the new format from your account.  If you've purchased on Etsy, won the pattern or tested it you can e-mail to In the subject line type in Summer Surprise and you do need to e-mail a proof of payment or copy of an e-mail by Sofilantjes. If you haven't purchased it yet, you can here...use the code "ANNIVERSARY" at checkout for 25% off your pattern.

Now on to what I did to this already fun pattern. For JubeJube I lengthened her dress to a maxi. I used her Summer Surprise from last year that now fits her as a cute tunic and measured from under her arm to the ground. 

For the back I decided to make ties, I used grosgrain ribbon.

Funny enough both JubeJube and Amelia wanted the same fabric. Usually they want to have something that is all their own. 

For Amelia I wanted something she could wear just about anywhere, so I went with a romper mash up. I used a simple short pattern for this. The only thing was to make sure that the waistline to the shorts would match up to the waistline of the top without stretching either pieces out. I added an elastic to the waist and to the hem of the shorts. 

Again I added the ties to the back to make sure this little number could go on and off easily for Amelia.

So much more inspiration to see on the other stops...go ahead, take a look. 

I just had to throw this one in there, this is the Summer Surprise from last year...JubeJube's face isn't as round and Amelia is just about as tall as her older sister. They grow up so fast!

I wanted to take the time to thank all the sponsors, without them there would be no giveaway. THANK YOU!!!!

This is what is included in the bundle for day 4...there will be a new giveaway tomorrow.

Day 4 giveaway

-5 out of 4, winner's choice 
-Muffin Head Patterns, winner's choice 
-Seaside Notions, winner's choice 
-Audrey & Tiffany, winner's choice 
-Pickle Pudding, winner's choice
-Handmaiden's Cottage, winner's choice
-Koda Baby, winner's choice 
-Sofilantjes, winner's choice

Until next time, xx.

Day 3 Summer Surprise

Yay for day 3 of the Summer Surprise Anniversay Tour for Sofilantjes...and a new giveaway! Today up for grabs another 8 pattern (read to the end to enter through Rafflecopter) and 5 more blog post. You can also check out part two of a Circle Meets Line with a nice little tutorial on how Marieke  made that sweet little jumpsuit.

This is the line up for today:
Manning the MachineSugarplum CutiesHouse of Estrela, Create 3.5 and Hand Crafted by RED
and here are a couple of teasers...just to show you how fun these dresses turned out!

Manning the Machine

House of Estrela

Winner of day 1 giveaway is: Elke... please check you emails!
Still a few hours left to enter for Bundle #2 here, and while your at it check out yesterday's stops on the the tour!

Day 3 giveaway

-Stitchwerx Designs, winner's choice 
-Gracious Threads, winner's choice 
-Stiped Swallow Designs, winner's choice
-FABulous Home Sewn, winner's choice 
-MCM Studio Designs, winner's choice 
-A Sparkly Baby, winner's choice 
-GYCT, winner's choice
-Sofilantje, winner's choice

Be back tomorrow for another giveaway and more blog stops!
Until next time, xx.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 2 Summer Surprise

Welcome to Day 2 of the Summer Surprise Anniversary Tour. Yesterday we saw some very fun takes on the Summer Surprise by Sofilantjes, including a fun tutorial by The Craftiness in Me, and some fun posts by Tory Frail DesignsBoutique Birdie,  Inspinration, and Van Je Veel What a great way to start the tour!

The Craftiness in Me
Today you'll see posts from Keep Calm and Carrion,

Don't forget this is a celebrations so using the code "ANNIVERSARY"  at checkout, in the Sofilantjes pattern shop, get 25% off the Summer surprise PDF...and its all been reformated with layered printing! 

You will also have the chance to enter a brand new giveaway with a bundle made up of 8 PDF patterns (read to the end to enter with rafflecopter). Just in case you didn't have time to enter yesterday's rafflecopter, just click here to yesterday's post, its will still be open for a few more hours!

Today's prize bundle includes:

-Serger Pepper Designs, winner's choice 
-Lily Bird Studio, winner's choice 
-Cole's Corner and Creations, winner's choice 
-Paisley Roots, All Spice 
-Kelly J Designs, winner's choice 
-Laela Jeyne Patterns, winner's choice 
-KB Stitch Design, winner's choice 
-Sofilantjes, winner's choice

Until next time, xx.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 1 Summer Surprise

Last year we were introduced to the cutests little elephants ever, you may have noticed them on the Sofilantjes logo, and all week we will be celebrating their anniversay! Sofilantjes and the Summer Surprise Dress pattern is officially one year old and we have a huge line up of bloggers and amazing sponsors to help out with the celebration.

Let's kick off things with Tory Frail Designs, Boutique BirdieThe Craftiness in Me,  Inspinration and Van Je Veel.

Just a few teasers...but go check out the whole post!

Tory Frail Designs

Boutique Birdie


Here are the rest of the stop you'll see all week, I promise you won't be disappointed with the inspiration, mash ups, hacks and mini tutorial!

The giveaway also starts today! Go to the end of the blog post to enter with Rafflecopter. Up for grabs today is:

  • Paisley Roots, Saffron Twirl
  • E+M Patterns, winner's choice
  • Izzy & Ivy, winner's choice
  • Mandy K Designs, winner's choice
  • Rose & Lee Designs, winner's choice
  • Aivilo Charlotte, winner's choice
  • Funktional Threads, winner's choice
  • Sofilantjes, winner's choice

You'll want to be back tomorrow for a new giveaway and more blog posts filled with inspiration using the Summer Surprise by Sofilantjes. By the way, you'll want to pick up your copy of the pattern using the code "ANNIVERSARY" at check out for 25% off your Summer Surprise pattern.

Until next time, xx.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

One Thimble Issue #7, Down the Rabbit Hole

Issue #7 of One Thimble is filled with so much fun and make-believe for the kids, but also a couple of fun patterns for moms too. It was love at first sight when I saw the Alice Applique created by Ric-Rac & Retro. 

I used a t-shirt as the applique's canvas, but it can be put on just about anything, a bag, pillow or blanket. These little appliques are really great for those little pieces in your stash that you just can't bare to throw away.

My first thought was just to purchase a t-shirt and add the applique to it, but then there's so much work that goes into the applique with all those tiny details that its best to work on it as a flat surface then finish up the garment.

I did go and put my own spin on it, in the end my applique doesn't look like Alice, she looks more like my own JubeJube, but that's the fun part of being creative. I also used a lot of zig-zag satin stich for the contour of the different parts. This project just had a mind of its own and I went with the flow.

The tutorial is so full of great information to get super results like the use of Heat and Bond and other fun products to help stabilize your fabrics. There's also this great chart included with the tutoral to help you scale down the size of you Alice to make her as small as you want. The one I made was scaled to 100%.

To check out more from the One Thimble Issue #7 go visit these other blogs, I tell ya there's some great inspiration there!

Until next time, xx