Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Its Hot in Here! The Swimsuit Edition

Today is a bit of a double duty post...2 tours 1 post Its part of The Swimsuit Edition Tour but also part of Ti's monthly tours.

I now I really don't have an excuse not to have more fun in the sun! Swimsuit No.2 which is the Agility Tank and Riptide Shorties by 5 Out Of 4 patterns.

At first I was concerned that this pattern wouldn't make the best swimsuit due to the amount of fabric on the tank top, but I really wanted something to hide the not so pretty results of having 4 kids. I know its a fact of life and just about everyone who's had kids have these warrior marks, right?! The amount of fabric doesn't weigh the suit down but I would suggest wearing it if you plan to win a swim race.

I also love how high the shorties go, they are really highwaisted. And the coverage on the butt is perfect!

I just want to quickly touch on all the options in the Agility Tank pattern. Seriously so full, including instructions on how to put in cups, on how to make it nursing friendly and what fabric to use to get the best suppport, because obviously it can also be used to make workout outfits paired with the Ninja leggings.

Be sure to check out Ula's post and round up of The Swimsuit Edition Tour and check out the other stops on Ti's tour. Both schedules are listed below, along with giveaways and an Instagram contest!

Today's sponsors are Raspberry Creek Fabrics and Gracious Threads... go enter, its super easy wit rafflecopter!

Two ways to enter: Enter the Grand Prize Rafflecopter, and/or post a swimwear item you’ve sewn on Instagram. Readers can enter more than once on Instagram but must use a different photo/different sewn swim item per entry. (Ie. multiple photos of the same outfit only count as one entry). Items allowed: swimsuits and swim coverups for the entire family (women, men, children). To enter on IG: Post your photo and use the hashtag #TheSwimsuitEditionTour and tag @luluandceleste and @deborahzaleski in your post. Items can only have been sewn since the beginning of June 2017. Closes July 2nd 11:59pm EDT.

Prize: Phat Quarters $25(USD) gift card + Boo Designs $100(AUD) gift card + Sewing by Ti -$20(USD) gift card + Made by Jack's Mum - swim pdf pattern bundle

Here's a list of the full tour schedule. For full giveaway details go check out Lulu & Celeste!

Monday, June 26
Tuesday, June 27
Wednesday, June 28
Thursday, June 29
Friday, June 30

Image may contain: fire, night and text

June 2nd- Sewing By Ti

June 5- Stitching and Making
June 6- Doodle Number 5
June 7- That's Sew Lily
June 8- EYMM
June 9- Ma Moose

June 12- Tales from a Southern Mom
June 13- Robynne and the Bobbin
June 14- Hazelnut Handmade
June 15- Anne Mari Sews
June 16- On Wednesdays We Sew

June 19- Tenille's Thread
June 20- It's Liesel
June 21- Lillie Pawillie
June 22- Needles to Say
June 23- Sewing By Ti
June 24- Fox Flower Lane

June 26- Indulging Mum
June 27- Creative Counselor
June 28- Sprouting Jube Jube
June 29- Anne Mari Sews
June 30- Sewing By Ti

Until next time, xx

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Swimsuit Edition Tour, Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of The Swimsuit Edition Tour! More fun creations and another don't forget to enter!

Check out full blog posts by Fenna of FABulous Home Sewn...I still can get enough of the Military Messenger Bag she designed for One Thimble 15!

Emily over at Sew and Tell Project used the most fun fabric of the season, pineapples and stripes. Go check out the details of her project!

Julie over at Tales From A Southern Mom made a Classic Maillot by DbCA. It seems this is her first time sewing a swimsuit, go check out what she wrote about her adventure.

I love the back detail of this suit! Find out what pattern Laurel used in her blog post, My 
Heart Will Sew On.

More to come all week long! Tomorrow Ula will be taking over the tour so be sure to check out her posts and enter the giveaways!

Monday, June 26
Tuesday, June 27
Wednesday, June 28
Thursday, June 29
Friday, June 30
Lulu & Celeste - Little Heart Threads - Ronda B. Handmade - Bellevi - sewingbyti

As you may not have heard yet, there are daily giveaways throughout the tour (one PDF pattern prize and one fabric shop gift certificate per day, full prize details below!) AND there is also a GRAND PRIZE! There are two ways to enter to win the Grand Prize, through a Rafflecopter (scroll down below) AND/OR by posting a photo of a swimwear item you've sewn on Instagram!

Here are the details of all the prizes to be won! Go visit Lulu & Celest and don't forget to enter! HOW TO ENTER: Post your *sewn* swimwear photo on your Instagram account and include the hashtag #TheSwimsuitEditionTour and tag @luluandceleste @deborahzaleski For an extra entry tag @phatquarters @simplybyti @boodesigns_kristie @madebyjacksmum Through Rafflecopter below THE PHOTO/ITEM GUIDELINES: The photos must be shared on Instagram between June 26, 2017 at 12:00 am EST and July 2nd at 11:59pm EST only. The item MUST have been sewn by you, anytime in the month of June 2017. Can be swimwear item for women, men or children. This includes swimsuits, cover ups, swim caps... something you wear. (ie. no beach totes, etc). Can be a previously shared photo (as long as the item was sewn in June 2017) but will need to reposted during the week with the hashtag and the tags added. Does not need to be of modelled swimsuit. A flat lay is fine! This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. Contest is open worldwide. The prizes are digital in nature. When redeeming your gift certificates in the fabric shops be aware that you are responsible for any purchase amount above the amount of the certificate redeemed (including shipping fees) should you wish to purchase lots of fabric goodies. You are also responsible for any customs or duty fees you may incur.

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Swimsuit Edition Tour: Day 1

Its always so much fun to kick off a new tour and also so fun to start summer with a new swimsuit so we just has to do it, we had to have The Swimsuit Edition Tour!

Join Ula of Lulu & Celeste and me as we discover new swimsuit patterns and much loved older patterns that we can't get enough of.

First off, go check out what Ajaire has lined up for you, she's added a sleeve to her much loved Classic Maillot.

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, people standing and text

Jennifer of Kutti Couture has sewn up the newest pattern from the Peek-a-Boo pattern shop.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

Check out the Ultimate Suit at Tales of a Tester...This sneak peek is just adorable! Those glasses! 

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sunglasses, closeup and outdoor

Evi of Bellevi Handmade has the Cosi Swimsuit on her blog. 

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, ocean, child, sky, outdoor and water

And yes, that's me, in a swimsuit I made using the Bahama Mama line by Peek-a-Boo pattern shop...Read more about my adventure in swimwear here!

Take time out to make the rest of the stops on the tour! And don't forget to enter the daily giveaways, and the huge prize bundle as the grand prize giveaway! You can't win if you don't enter!

Monday, June 26
Tuesday, June 27
Wednesday, June 28
Thursday, June 29
Friday, June 30
Lulu & Celeste - Little Heart Threads - Ronda B. Handmade - Bellevi - sewingbyti

As you may not have heard yet, there are daily giveaways throughout the tour (one PDF pattern prize and one fabric shop gift certificate per day, full prize details below!) AND there is also a GRAND PRIZE! There are two ways to enter to win the Grand Prize, through a Rafflecopter (scroll down below) AND/OR by posting a photo of a swimwear item you've sewn on Instagram!

Here are the details of all the prizes to be won! Go visit Lulu & Celest and don't forget to enter! HOW TO ENTER: Post your *sewn* swimwear photo on your Instagram account and include the hashtag #TheSwimsuitEditionTour and tag @luluandceleste @deborahzaleski For an extra entry tag @phatquarters @simplybyti @boodesigns_kristie @madebyjacksmum Through Rafflecopter below THE PHOTO/ITEM GUIDELINES: The photos must be shared on Instagram between June 26, 2017 at 12:00 am EST and July 2nd at 11:59pm EST only. The item MUST have been sewn by you, anytime in the month of June 2017. Can be swimwear item for women, men or children. This includes swimsuits, cover ups, swim caps... something you wear. (ie. no beach totes, etc). Can be a previously shared photo (as long as the item was sewn in June 2017) but will need to reposted during the week with the hashtag and the tags added. Does not need to be of modelled swimsuit. A flat lay is fine! This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. Contest is open worldwide. The prizes are digital in nature. When redeeming your gift certificates in the fabric shops be aware that you are responsible for any purchase amount above the amount of the certificate redeemed (including shipping fees) should you wish to purchase lots of fabric goodies. You are also responsible for any customs or duty fees you may incur.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Swimsuit Edition Bahama Mama Style

I haven't worn a swimsuit in ages! So maybe I'm getting brave or I realized how much fun I was missing out by not getting in the water with the kids when going to the beach.

Ca fait plusieurs années que je n'ai pas portée de maillot de bain. Soit que de deviens courageuse OU je me suis rendu compte que je pouvais m'amuser beaucoup plus avec les enfants à la plage si je me baignais avec eux. 

I made the Bahama Mama Tankini and Bikini Bottoms by Peek-a-Boo Patterns (affiliate link) which is perfect for a more modest coverage. Let's face it though, I'm in a swimsuit, which shows off a little more than what I normally show when posting on my blog.

Je me suis cousu le Bahama Mama Tankini et Bikini Bottoms de Peek-a-Boo Patterns (lien affilié) et je suis très satisfaite de la couverture un peu plus modeste.  

There are two options for back ties on the tankini top, halter and criss-cross straps. For style and comfort I went with the halter version. Full explanations on how to do the shelf bra and how to add cups are in the pattern tutorial.

Il y a deux options pour les bretelles, attachées au coup ou croisées a l’arrière. Côté confort j'ai décidée d'y aller avec les bretelles attachées au coup. Les explications pour le soutien intégré sont très facile à comprendre.    

Both patterns are separates but that's great because you can mix and match to fit the style you want in the Bahama Mama line, 3 different tops and 2 different style bottoms in the shop to suit your needs. The size range on these patterns is from XXS to XXXL.

Les patrons sont offert séparément mais j’apprécie, J'ai pu faire les choix de haut ou de bas qui me convenais le plus. Les grandeur disponibles sont XXS-XXXL. 

I spent a full afternoon on this project and I'm about ready to make another because it was so easy and I'm so pleased with the fit.

J'ai passée une bonne après-midi a coudre mon maillot et je suis très satisfaite du résultat, je suis même prête à en faire un autre.   

Now, don't forget the other stops on the tour... you'll want to see those, and you'll also want to enter the daily giveaway. We have some pretty amazing sponsors to some pretty awesome prizes but you can't win if you don't enter.

N'oubliez pas d'aller voir les autres billets sur cette tournée et prenez le temps de participer au concours! Il y a plusieurs prix a gagnerd! 

Today's giveaway is sponsored b Call Ajaire for a pattern of choice and Peek-a-boo Patterns (for either patterns or fabric) for a 20$ (USD) gift card.

Two ways to enter: Enter the Grand Prize Rafflecopter, and/or post a swimwear item you’ve sewn on Instagram. Readers can enter more than once on Instagram but must use a different photo/different sewn swim item per entry. (Ie. multiple photos of the same outfit only count as one entry). Items allowed: swimsuits and swim coverups for the entire family (women, men, children). To enter on IG: Post your photo and use the hashtag #TheSwimsuitEditionTour and tag @luluandceleste and @deborahzaleski in your post. Items can only have been sewn since the beginning of June 2017. Closes July 2nd 11:59pm EDT.

Prize: Phat Quarters $25(USD) gift card + Boo Designs $100(AUD) gift card + Sewing by Ti -$20(USD) gift card + Made by Jack's Mum - swim pdf pattern bundle

Here's a list of the full tour schedule. For full giveaway details go check out Lulu & Celeste!

Monday, June 26
Tuesday, June 27
Wednesday, June 28
Thursday, June 29
Friday, June 30

Until next time, xx

* disclaimers: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you. All affiliate links have been identified in blog posts. 

Sometimes for the purpose of a review I will receive a pattern for free in exchange for a review but all opinions remain my own. I pride myself with honest reviews. If you do have questions in regards to a post please feel free to contact me at and I'll be more than happy to answer any concerns you may have. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Twig & Tale: Cozy Toes

Keeping toes warm and cozy can also be fun with Twig & Tale patterns. I sewed up very cute pair of Tie Back Boots as  slippers for JubeJube. As of now she hasn't seen them so I bet she'll be surprised when she gets home from school.

I'm sometimes fascinated how a project can evolve. Cutting flat pieces of fabric to sew together into something with curves and dimensions.

Into something that can be useful or decorative. I know for a fact these boots will be used up until nothing is left of them. For some reason this child is obsessed with keeping her feet covered, even during the summer time.

I used an organic cotton double knit by Birch on the outside with skid proof fabric on the sole. the inside is a cotton lycra jersey. So soft and cozy that I want a pair for myself, which FYI, the adult version of these boots in now available!

I used a natural color twill tape for the front to keep the ties in place and the ties are pieces of knit fabric cut into strips and braided for a chucky look and some added texture.

I was in bit of a time crunch to get these out so I was really pleased with how easy and quickly they came together. The Wild Things criters would take a little more time with all the beautiful details but they do make great gifts for children. They're also great stash busters! Everything is from my stash and worries as to if I had enough fabric.

I will have to make another pair for Amelia, and you know she will ask for a critter so I'll keep you posted on what she decides.

The best place to find round up and other information is directly on the Twig & Tale website, blog posts and patterns are all available right there for tons of inspiration! Remember to use the discount code " COSYTOES" for all footwear for an extra 15% off at checkout!

Tuesday: Fliegfederfrei - Createnic - Sew Snippet - Sew Many Adventures
Wednesday: Sew Shelly Sew - She Who Sews - Life in our busy household - Inspinration
Thursday: Skirt Fixation - Sprouting Jube Jube - Needle and Ted - Just Add Fabric 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Gypsy by Designer Stitch

Its getting easier and easier to sew for myself and put myself in front of the camera. The secret is finding great patterns with beautiful designs that make me want to sew for myself. 

Until now Designer Stitch has been a little bit of a secret to me. I didn't know very much about this independent pattern company or about their designs. I'm so glad that I got this oppertunity to play around with the Gypsy dress pattern. Ann Grose is the designer behind Designer Stitch and she's celebrating their one year anniversary, for now until June 12 (Australian time zone) enjoy 50% off all patterns in the shop!

The Pattern:

I used the Gypsy dress and tunic pattern and didn't change much about the way it was constructed in the pattern. I did change out the facing at the neckline and used a self-made bias tape instead. Even though I had 3 meters of the fabric I did run out just due to the fact that this print is so huge and the repeats are far in between. I just had to have my print line up.

Two neckline options are in this pattern, round neck and cross-over. And yes I went with cross-over. There are a number of hemline options, top, tunic length, maxi, and hi-low. I wanted a little bit of a sassy look so I used the hi-low hem option.

The tutorial is well written and easy to follow. The tech drawings accompany the step-by-step instructions.

The Fabric:

When I selected my fabric for this project I was thinking summer and warm colors and light weight, so I opted for a cotton voile purchased a Fabricville for the purpose of sewing up this pattern (so I'm not sewing from my stash today).

There are so many more stops on the tour to get inspired and to celebrate this first year of pattern creating for Ann. Go check them out!

June 5, 2017 

June 8, 2017

June 9, 2017
Indulging Mum 

Until next time, xx.

disclaimer: I received the pattern for free for the purpose of the tour, but all thoughts and opinions are my own!