Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lucy by The Handmaiden's Cottage

The newest pattern from The Handmaiden's Cottage* is now available and its such a classic! Meet Lucy.

Just really quickly before I start telling you about the details of this pattern, get it while you can for a limited time at 30% off using the code "ILOVELUCY" at checkout in the pattern shop*.

This is the style of clothing I love to sew, classic and with simple details that set it apart from something we would see in a store window. This is also the style that JubeJube gravitates to, girly, classic and no fuss. It also helps that she gets to choose the lace detail and the buttons. 

I  chose to make Lucy with pintucks down the front and peter pan collar with the long sleeves. 

There are buttons down the back, JubeJube carefully selected some vintage mother of pearl buttons. The fabric is from the Jardin de Provence collection from Windham Fabrics.

The size range of Lucy is from 2 - 10 years and the pattern has two skirt options, pleated and gathered, two different sleeve options and also two collar options. The front can be made with or without pintucks.  

This is one pattern you can be sure I use over and over again...I have a couple already in the works for the spring and summer. I can't wait to show you where I got the inspiration for them.

Until next time, xx. 

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 5 Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long - A PDF by Jennuine Design

The last day already?! Where did the week go! I can tell you one thing, Amelia is so glad to finally get her new Moto Jacket!

Just incase you missed a post and any helpful hints here are the links from start to finish of the Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long featuring a pttern from Jennuine Design*:
  • Day 1 - preparing your pattern
  • Day 2 - cutting your fabric 
  • Day 3 - zipper, welted pockets and more
  • Day 4 - sleeves, lining, and collar

There's still time to get your pattern at a discount in the Jennuine Design* pattern shop, use the coupon code "MOTOSEWALONG" at checkout to get the pattern for only $6.00 (regular $10.00). The discount will be available until December 13th, 2015.

Here are some details about the pattern:

  • Layered printing so you can print only the sizes you need and want. 
  • Easy to follow step-by-step intructions with drawings in the tutorial.
  • 3/8" seam allowances included.
  • Sizes range from 2t - 12 years.
  • Charts for fabric requirements and measurements of finished garment included.
  • Extra information about blending sizes, shortening zippers and creating the garment for a boy or girl...all this is in the pattern tutorial.
If you need extra help or you just want to share your Jennuine Design creation just join their facebook group.

Until next time, xx.

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

**I was given this pattern for the prupose of the sew long but all opinions are my own!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 4 Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long - A PDF by Jennuine Design

Day 4, and we're in the home stretch! Be sure to share you finished project in the Jennuine Design Pattern Group on facebook!

If you didn't have a chance to sew along with us you can still pick up the pattern in the Jennuine Design Pattern Shop*, you can still get it at $6.00 (reg. $10.00) until December 13, 2015, use the code "MOTOSEWALONG" at checkout. While you're there take a look at all the other fun patterns available...JubeJube's favorite leggings are the Dressage Leggings, I must admit I really like the fit on her too.

Yesterday we really saw our jacket take shape, I love it when all the little pieces come together to shape make a garment. We talked about the pocket and top stitching, the zipper was put in and then it was the shoulder seams, back center seam and the side seams. 

Today, let's talk lining, collar and sleeves. 

I assembled my lining the as instructed in the tutorial, basted my collar to the main jacket. I wanted to make sure that the corners would meet up. I like the look of this cowl on this jacket. Due to the fact that I used the bottom band of a  sweater the collar is not as high, but that's the fun of creating with what you have, you always find a way to make it work. 

Once my collar was in place with the basting stitch I was easily able sew the lining to the main jacket making sure my soulder seams at the neckline matched up and the side seams were all matched up. 

I have to admit that I cheated a bit on the sleeves. I put in my sleeve and finished off with my serger to keep all the layers together and later today I'll be using the bias to finsh off the seam the way it should be as shown in the tutorial. It doesn't look that bad with serger stitch but it doesn't look finished and after all the planning and beautiful top stitching it would be ashamed not to finish of the inside of the jacket to give it a high-end look.

Come back tomorrow to see the whole finished jacket on my little model. 

Until next time, xx.

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 3 Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long - A PDF by Jennuine Design

So here we are at Day 3, more than half way done! I can't believe how mine is coming together, I can't wait to see what everyone else has done with this pattern! Be sure to share you creations in the Jennuine Design Pattern Group on facebook!

I'm just going to share with you a couple of tricks I learned from my aunt who used to sew haute couture. The first trick, when the fabric permits, use interfacing on the wrong side of the main fabric for the welt opening. This prevents those corners from fraying and keeps them really crisp. I'm using denim for my jacket but for those using vinyl, or fake leather I wouldn't recommend putting those fabrics under the iron.

Be sure to mark your welt openings on the wrong side of your fabric so that you don't stain the right side of your fabric if ever your fabric pen doesn't wash away.

The next tip is about top stitching. Today after putting in the pockets we'll be starting some assembly. If you are making your jacket with a back center seam its nice to have a top stitch to show off that work. If you noticed the right side is a little bolder than the left side top stitch. I didn't pass over my stitching twice, I simply threaded my machine with two treads at the top and used bobbin thread as a single thread as I normally do. You can get thicker denim thread at the store but not a wide variety of colors are available but this method allows you to have a bigger range in color that will match perfectly to what you're stitching.

Today was not a long day of sewing...but I do recommend you take your time making sure your welted pockets are perfectly positioned, even in height and of equal distance from the side seam. You should have also put in the zipper and done all the assembly up until the sleeves.
For tomorrow, we'll be assembling the sleeves, putting the collar and assembling the lining.

Until next time, xx.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 2 Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long - A PDF by Jennuine Design

Day 2 is here and I'm ready to get cutting! 

Just a few things you want to remember before you start cutting into your much loved fabrics:

  • Are you making your jacket for a boy or girl, left over right for a boy, and right over left for a girl, The right and left front pattern pieces are not the same!
  • Are all your pattern pieces the required size for your model. Yes its happened to me, I've cut a size 4 front and a size 5 back, lucky for me I was able to fix that.
  • Make sure you lay your pattern pieces the right way for directional fabrics and they are all following the grain line.
  • Do all your required pattern pieces fit on your fabric, it would be ashame if you forgot just one piece and didn't have enough fabric to finish off your project.
Ok, I think we're ready to cut! I still get nervous when I start cutting into fabric...and I've been doing this for so long! Silly question here, and I'd love to get your comments on this, do you still get nervous when cutting into fabric or are you over that?

These are the fabrics that I'll be using. A heavier denim for the outside, soft cotton flannel for the lining and I'm going to upcyle a knit sweater and use the ribbing for the cuffs, neckband welted pockets. This is going to be one sweet looking jacket!

What to do if your zipper is just too long, that's an easy fix, but if your zipper is just a bit too short you will want to go and get something a little longer, at the same time pick up a couple of zipper stoppers, you'll be able to ask a sales associate for those at your local fabric store. (You'll see the little stoppers in the image below). Page 5 of the pattern tutorial has all the information you need about shortening a zipper. Jennifer has also set up the video tutorial on shortening zipper on her website. You'll want to make sure you have the tools you need just make your life easier and get it done.

Zipper teeth can be easily removed with a small pair of pliers and the new stoppers can be placed at the right height for the length of zipper you need. Some may wonder, but do I really need stoppers, the answer is YES! There's no way around it. 

Join us tomorrow, we start sewing! Yay, I can't wait!

By the way, still time to join in on the fun, join the Jennuine Design Pattern Group and grab your pattern in the Jennuine Design* pattern shop for only $6.00 using the code "MOTOSEWALONG" at checkout.

Until next time, xx.

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Monday, December 7, 2015

ADVtee Blog Tour For Sofilantjes Round Up

All last week we saw some fun creations with the ADVTee by Sofilantjes* . We've seen it used as a pattern for a special Christmas PJ, paired with the Domi sweat pants, hacked with a hood put on it, paired with the Liv skirt (free pattern) by Sofilantjes and some fun color blocking.  Special thans to many friends in Europe, US, and Canada who put their spin on this very fun top! Here's a round up just incase you missed a stop on this tour.

Staring at the top row, from left to right:

I hope you enjoyed this tour! I'm feeling inspired to go sew up another!

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Day 1 Moto Jacket Sew-a-Long - A PDF by Jennuine Design

Welcome to Day 1 of the sew-a-long featuring the Moto Jacket by Jennuine Design! Very excited to sew this one up with you. It brings me back to the first time I sewed up a really cool jacket (ummmm quite some time ago) and when my son Sebas had grown out of it he was really sad to the point he said he didn't want to grow anymore... just to give you an idea of its cool factor (he changed his tune quickly enough when I made him a new jacket).

Ok so back to our Moto Jacket and what we need to get done today!

First, if you haven't already purchased your pattern now is the time to get it! Jennifer has created a coupon code for you to use in her pattern shop Jennuine Design*. Use the code "MOTOSEWALONG" to get the pattern for only $6.00. If you want to be able to share your creations in a group setting, don't be shy, join the Jennuine Design Pattern Group on facebook.

Today is the day we get everything ready. I like to make sure I have everything I need so I don't have to stop what I'm doing and make a run to the store. Take a look at page 3 of the tutorial for a complete list of materials and notions needed to make this project.

I like to start off by throwing the fabrics that need washing into the washer. While the fabric is being taken care of I print off my pattern and tape it together. When a pattern has a layering feature like this one (infact all Jennuine Design patterns have that feature) I like to print one size up and one size down especially when I know I have to blend sizes or I'm unsure as to what size I need to make for my little model.

Lets talk about choosing sizes. You'll find both these charts in the tutorial on pages 3 and 4. The first chart is the chest meaurement your model has, and not the final meaurement of the garment. If you want to make clothes that fit go according to the meaurement, not the size they wear in store bought clothes. To give an example, for both my girls I buy ready to wear (RTW) clothes in a size 6 or 6X, BUT that's only becaue I need the length (especially on pants), and the waist ends up being really big on them. When I make their clothes I usually make a size 5 and end up adding a couple of inches to the length so that they don't end up looking like they're wearing floods. Sometimes I have to do more than add a couple of inches to the length of the pattern to make a garment that fits; here, and here are a couple of examples of blending sizes.

The chart of finished measurements is also another fantastic tool to make sure we're making the right size. By looking at the finished length of the jacket you can tell if you need to add a couple of inches. What I like to do is meaure the finished length of the size I want to make against my model and decide if its the right length for them, AND if its the right length for the style! Remeber this jacket should not go down to the hips, this style is meant to hit just an inch or so below the natural waistline.

Somethings that you need to consider in your planning:

  • Are you making this jacket for a boy or girl. Girls have jackets close right over left and boys jackets are left over right. You'll need to cut your pieces accordingly (I'll mention it again on day 2 when we cut fabrics)
  • Size, do you need to blend sizes for a better fit. If you do need to blend sizes don't forget you will also need to adjust the pocket placement to make sure the opening isn't at an awkward position on your jacket and make sure its done on both right and left sides of the jacket.

Tomorrow we'll be cutting out fabrics and talking about zipper length and how to adjust it if its a bit too long for your garment. Remember its always easier to shorten a zipper than to make it longer, heeeheee.

Until next time, xx.

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Petit Oiseau Qui Brille et Scintille

English post to follow!

Aujourd'hui c'est mon tour de vous présenter mon Petit Oiseau, le plus nouveau des patrons PDF de Filles a Maman*.  Pour ma JubeJube j'ai choisi une tissu dentelle avec un peu de lurex. Le fils de lurex fait que le tissu brille et JubeJube me demande comment je savais qu'elle aime les brillants. Les mamans savent tout!

Today I'm showing you my version of Petit Oiseau, the newest PDF pattern by Filles a Maman* . For Jubejube I chose a lace fabric with a little bit of lurex in it. This metlalic thread makes the fabric sparkle and JubeJube asks me how I knew she likes sparkles...Kid trust me I know!

J'aurais voulu faire la manche longue mais j'avais très peu de tissu alors allons y avec la manche courte. Un petit élastique rouge pour la découpe a la place du volant (les rayures et les volants ne sont pas toujours évident). 

With limited fabric I had to make the short sleeve even if the long sleeve would have been more practicle for this time of year. I also chose to use a red lace elastic instead of the flounce to show the design of the color blocking. Stipped flounce over a stripped top could be a little much all at once. 

La température vraiment pas de mon côté pour les photos, il fait sombre depuis 3 jours chez nous et je n'aime pas le résultat avec un flash alors un p'tit look plus sombre, mais je suis contente avec le résultat.

The weather was really not on my side, its been dark and gloomy not much sunlight and I hate using a I went with a bit of a darker look but I like how the top shows after all.

J'adore la simplicité de ce design et le mouvement créé par la découpe a partie de l’épaule droite aller juste qu'au bout de la manche gauche.

I love that this top is a simple dolman design made interesting with the movent created by the color block, I'll have to make another with the flounce! 

N'oublier pas de passer voir les autres Petit Oiseau...vous allez en voir pour tout les goûts.

A la prochaine, xx. 

Make sure you stop to see other Petit Oiseau on the tour, so much to inspire, I promise you'll see something you'll like!

Until next time, xx.

Monday, November 30th: Call Ajaire - Needle and Ted - Paisley Roots - House of Estrela
Tuesday December 1st: Coffee and Thread - Sew Thrifty - Conversas de Hermanas
Wednesday December 2nd: Just Add Fabric - Sprouting JubeJube - Thread Riding Hood - From a Box
Thursday December 3rd: Rebel and Malice - Sew Shelly Sew - Create 3.5 - Made by Sara
Friday December 4th: A Jennuine Life - Sew Out of Control -Petit à Petit and Family

Sponsors-Petit Oiseau Blog tour

-Jennuine designs (1 pattern of choice)
- Petit à Petit Patterns (1 pattern of choice)
- Paisley Roots (Safron dress and All spice patterns)
Jalie (1 pattern of choice)
- Sofilantjes (1 pattern of choice)
- Call Ajaire (1 pattern of choice)
- Knot Sew Normal (1 pattern of choice)
- Momma Quail Patterns (1 pattern of choice)
- Duck Butt Designs (1 pattern of choice)
- The Wolf and the Tree (1 pattern of choice)
- Laela Jeyne Patterns (1 pattern of choice)
- Kelly J Patterns (1 pattern of choice)
- Golden Rippy (1 pattern of choice)
- Dandelions 'n' Dungarees (1 pattern of choice)
- FABulous Home sewn (1 pattern of choice)
- Bishy Barnababes -(1 pattern of choice)
Filles à Maman (3 patterns of choice).


* Ce blog contiens des liens affilié donc je reçois une petite commission si vous faites un achat en cliquant sur mon lien...vous ne payez pas de frais additionnel pour cela. 

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Merry Modkid Tour Featuring Charlotte

So glad to be of the Merry Modkid Tour! I instantly fell for Charlotte when I saw the cover to the pattern. Here's my Charlotte on Amelia.

Don't forget to go all the way to the end of this post for the giveaway!

I didn't make changes to the pattern pieces, but I did play around with the button sizes and ended up using two big buttons and a small handsewn snap for the front closure instead of the recommended 6 buttons.

The fabric is Subtle Blooms from Free Spirits from the Pirouette collection. It was supplied to me by Christine over at Threads and really need to go check out her Etsy shop with all the gorgeous fabrics in it!

The bodice is fully lined so one would think that its a huge project. Infact, this was fairly quick considering having to sew up two bodices and the belt detail at the back.

There are many options to this pattern and I went with the short sleeve as per Amelia's request, the belted back rather than the tied sash, tunic length with the inseam pockets.

The instrustions to the pattern are so easy to follow with multiple drawings to accompany the steps.

I added the detail of the lace at the front but didn't have enough to go around the neckline and I also would have wanted some at the lower hem, but when you're sewing from your stash you use what you have and try not to go out and buy more.

This is what you get when your 4 year old wants to go outside for pictures in the freezing cold, you follow her and let her do her thing...She was saying that she loved her pockets because the kept her warm, Ha!

I did get the pattern for free for the purpose of the tour but all opionions are my own!

The coupon code MERRYMODKID25 at checkout and gets 25% off an entire order at the Modkid Etsy shop, valid Monday 11/30 through Friday 12/04 at midnight EST.

Monday, November 30th

Rebel and Malice * Handmade Martini  * Falafel and the Bee

Tuesday, December 1st

Handmade Frenzy * Kimmie Sew Crazy * Because of Brenna

Wednesday, December 2nd

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

ADVTee Blog Tour for Sofilantjes Day 3

Over the past 3 days we have seen 8 fun versions of the ADVTee by Sofilantjes. Here are all the direct links just incase you've missed one...come back tomorrow because it isn't over, there's still more to come on Thursday and Friday! Until then don't forget to get your copy of the pattern along with other goodies in the Sofilantjes Pattern shop*, you can 20% off you entire order (bundles excluded because they already reflect a discounted price) by using the code "CELEBRATE" at checkout!

Starting from top left going clockwise:
Handmade Boy, Sprouting JubeJube (that's me, your host), Rebel & Malice, Boevenbende, From-a-Box, The Wholesome Mama, Khadetjes, and Vera Luna.

Be sure to join us for the second half of the tour!

Until next time, xx.

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.

Monday, November 30, 2015

ADVTee Blog Tour for Sofilantjes Day 1

I'm so glad to be hosting the ADVTee tour for Sofilantjes*. Today you'll be able to link to From-a-Box by Stacey and the Wholesome Mama by Courtney to see what they've created with the ADVTee pattern, here's a sneak peek...

The Wholesome Mama
I know I can't wait to go take a look a what they've made! Before going to check them out, here's a look at Amelia in her comfy loungewear. 
You'll also want to keep in mind that you can get 20% your purchase (blundles excluded since they already reflect a discounted price) by using the code "CELEBRATE" at checkout in the Sofilantjes pattern shop*.

 I paired her top with the Domi sweat pants, these two patterns were a perfect match in style!

Some features of these patterns are:
  • Layered printing, print only the sizes you need or want to save on ink.
  • Size range from 12 month to 14 years, so you can really get a lot of use out of these great patterns.
  • 3/8" seam allowances included.
  • Tech drawings with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on assembly.
  • Size charts and fabric requirement charts included.
  • Designed for knit fabrics. 

See what I mean...perfect for lounging around! She acutally didn't want to change after her mini shoot so I go a couple of extra shots of her in her natural habitat, heeeeheee.

Don't miss any of the stops on this tour, there's a great line up and you'll be sure to be inspired!

Until next time, xx.

Call Ajaire - Straight Grain - Nononsonsmoms

*This blog contains affiliate links meaning I make a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase through it at no extra cost to you.